
BREAKING Stores to remain open during weekends, Premier Ciolacu states: Public feedback…

Sursa foto: Ilona Andrei / G4Media

BREAKING Stores to remain open during weekends, Premier Ciolacu states: Public feedback overwhelmingly opposes closure

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu announced on Thursday, at the beginning of the government meeting, that stores will not be closed over the weekend, emphasizing that „all signals received from society clearly indicate that it is not opportune.”

„I want to close a topic that has sparked public debate: that concerning the stores’ operating hours and the closure of stores over the weekend. From all signals received from society, it is clear that it is not opportune for the stores to be closed during the weekend. As far as I remember, markets were closed during the pandemic, or there were specific operating hours for stores. I want to announce that we are no longer in that phase,” Prime Minister Ciolacu stated.

The request for supermarket closures over the weekend came last week from the owners of small shops. Initially, Prime Minister Ciolacu said the idea would be analyzed.

A few days ago, small retailers announced that indeed, a total closure of large stores over the weekend cannot be implemented and proposed reducing their operating hours to 1 p.m., justifying this with the need for supermarket and mall employees to spend time with their families.

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