
BREAKING Romanian President Iohannis: I have decided to enter the race for…

Sursa foto: Inquam Photos / George Călin

BREAKING Romanian President Iohannis: I have decided to enter the race for the position of NATO Secretary General. The reasons invoked by the President

President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, announced on Tuesday in a press statement that he has submitted his candidacy for the position of NATO Secretary General. The position is also sought after by the Dutch Prime Minister, Mark Rutte. G4Media.ro revealed on February 22nd that Romania had officially informed NATO allies of its proposal of President Klaus Iohannis for the role of the alliance’s Secretary-General.

„I take on this candidacy on behalf of Romania with all responsibility, and this decision is based on Romania’s performance, the experience gained during my two terms as President of Romania, a deep understanding of the challenges facing NATO, Europe, and especially our region, and my firm commitment to the fundamental values and objectives of NATO,” said Iohannis.

According to some sources, the incumbent Dutch Prime Minister, Mark Rutte, who is considered a favorite in the NATO leadership race, cannot gather enough votes due to opposition from some Eastern front allies, such as Bulgaria, Hungary, Turkey, and Romania. This information was confirmed last month by Bloomberg.

Full statements by Klaus Iohannis:

  • It’s been two decades since Romania became a member of NATO, which has been promoting democracy and freedom for 75 years and has developed a vast network of partners
  • The cardinal values of the Alliance, the rule of law, respect for fundamental rights and freedoms, have been the compass that guided us towards the consolidation of democracy NATO’s umbrella has provided us with the strongest security guarantees in history
  • A military conflict in Europe is a reality that seemed improbable a few years ago. Russia poses a long-term threat to our continent NATO’s borders are of capital importance, and strengthening the eastern flank will remain a long-term priority Romania has proven to be a pillar of stability and security in the region.
  • As a major priority, we initiated with all parties a national pact for allocating 2% of GDP for defense, and now we have reached 2.5% of GDP
  • We are among the allies who have understood and assumed this commitment from the beginning.
  • Romania contributes to all NATO missions, contributing in the Balkans, to the security of the Black Sea, we support Ukraine unconditionally In the CSAT (Supreme Council of National Defense), we adopted strategies and measures for the army to fully modernize and at the same pace as our allies
  • We have a complicated neighborhood with Russia and have prepared thoroughly.
  • Romania could not have developed economically, could not have attracted investors without solid guarantees regarding national security. And these guarantees are directly linked to NATO membership.
  • Romania is a respected member in the EU and NATO, a status gained in recent years by demonstrating strategic predictability, direct respect for the fundamental values of the EU and NATO
  • We have constantly acted to bring the two shores of the Atlantic as close as possible because the transatlantic relationship is essential I believe it’s time for Romania to assume even greater responsibility, it’s a legitimate aspiration of a state that has undergone radical transformations
  • We are in a security context in which I believe it is time for our country to assume even greater responsibility within the Euro-Atlantic leadership structures.
  • It is a legitimate aspiration of a state that has known radical transformations over the last two decades and that could contribute with this experience to shaping a new vision on how we can respond quickly and effectively to a wide and complex range of challenges and threats.
  • We have a deep understanding, including from the perspective of the historical challenges faced by our region, of the current security situation, a situation unbalanced by the war launched by Russia against Ukraine.
  • Moreover, I believe that NATO itself needs a renewal of its perspective on its mission. Eastern Europe has a valuable contribution to the discussions and decisions adopted within NATO. With a balanced, strong, and influential representation from this region, the Alliance will be able to make the best decisions, addressing the needs and concerns of all member states.
  • For all these reasons, I have decided to enter the race for the position of NATO Secretary General.
  • I take on this candidacy on behalf of Romania with all responsibility, and this decision is based on Romania’s performance, the experience gained during my two terms as President of Romania, a deep understanding of the challenges facing NATO, Europe, and especially our region, and my firm commitment to the fundamental values and objectives of NATO.


Tuesday, March 12th, marks 25 years since NATO’s first expansion towards the countries of Eastern Europe, when Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary were admitted into the Alliance.

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