
Peste 3.600 de copii din categoria 12-15 ani au fost programați la…

Sursa foto: RO Vaccinare

Peste 3.600 de copii din categoria 12-15 ani au fost programați la vaccinare până miercuri după-amiază

Peste 3.600 de copii din categoria 12-15 ani au fost programați la vaccinare, în platforma dezvoltată de STS, până miercuri după-amiază, anunță CNCAV.

Până miercuri la ora 16.45 au fost făcute 3.634 de programări în platforma, pentru această categorie de vârstă.

Vaccinarea anti-COVID a copiilor de 12-15 ani a început miercuri, iar programările în platformă au început de marți. Imunizarea se face cu vaccinul produs de Pfizer, în două doze, la distanță de 21 de zile.

Minorii pot fi programați ca beneficiari în conturile părinților sau tutorilor. Este obligatorie acordarea consimțământului informat de către părinți sau de către tutorele legal.

Sursa foto: RO Vaccinare

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8 comentarii

  1. stiati ca circumcizia previne bolile infectioase si oncologice ale preputului? vreau sa vad si la noi, ca in SUA, 50% circumcisi

    • Esti ironic, dar unii o iau de buna. Ca sa fim clari, circumcizia e buna in tarile cu clima mult mai calda decat la noi. Dar daca umbli cu ea belita nu mai patesti nimic.

    • Si nu ma refer la mengele…

      12 noiembrie 2013, MANILA (AFP) – Cynthia Carrion-Norton flits high-heeled around the Philippine capital with energy levels belying her years, thankful for a controversial treatment she highly recommends to fellow sixty-somethings.

      Carrion-Norton, 66, a member of the Philippine Olympic Committee and a former undersecretary for medical tourism, credits her vitality to adult stem cell therapy. „The day I got the therapy I went to a dinner party and everyone told me: ‘Cynthia, you’re blooming!”, Carrion-Norton told AFP.

      The procedure involves harvesting the patient’s stem cells from their own fat and injecting them into their blood, which she likened to being injected with intravenous fluid in the arm.

      In a country where many elite are obsessed with anti-aging, wealthy Filipinos are shelling out between $12,500 and $18,000 per session of stem cell therapy in the belief it will improve their overall health and make them look younger.

      Rich businessmen and public officials — mostly male — are the most eager customers, according to Florencio Lucero, a doctor in Manila who said he started performing adult stem cell therapy in 2006. „They do it because they want to work longer,” Lucero told AFP. „And then they tell their wives or girlfriends.” Lucero said Filipinos had been receiving anti-ageing stem cell treatment since the 1970’s, often flying abroad to do so.

      Thai medical entrepreneur Bobby Kittichaiwong says he has a lucrative business catering to the Filipino elite, who pay $20,000 to visit his Villa Medica clinic in Germany for a more controversial form of stem cell therapy.

      The clinic harvests cells from unborn sheep to be injected into a patient’s muscles, known as fresh cell therapy, and Kittichaiwong said 400 Filipinos visited last year. „After 14 days, the patient’s skin will glow and their digestive and immune systems will improve,” he told agentiei bugetare de stat si de guvern francez AFP. Among Villa Medica’s high-profile clients is former president Joseph Estrada, 76, who has staged a remarkable political comeback in recent years after being forced to stand down from the nation’s top job in 2001 because of corruption.

      „Now I sleep better, my knees are no longer a problem, my skin has been radiant like this ever since,” reads a testimonial from Estrada in a Villa Medica brochure.

      Cateva luni mai tarziu: The Philippines Medical Association (PMA) is reportedly (article from ABS-CBN News) investigating the recent deaths of 3 prominent politicians due to stem cell therapies via stem cell tourism in Germany at an as yet unidentified clinic. The names of the politicians are unknown, but strangely enough today there’s another separate article on stem cells from the Philippine Daily Inquirer that mentions 3 politicians who have received stem cell treatments: „A number of politicians have been reported to have used stem cell therapy, including former President Joseph Estrada, Sen. Juan Ponce Enrile and former Sen. Ernesto Maceda.”

      Of course these men may not be the politicians referred to in the ABS-CBN piece.

      In the past the German stem cell clinic X-cell was notorious for being linked to a baby’s death.

      Trebuie sa fii un retrograd sa nu respecti tehnologia germana. Eu o sa imi bag ARN in pula.

  2. Daca moare un copil cine raspunde?

  3. Este emotionant sa vezi cat de empatic este un antivaxxer.
    Nu exista nici macar un singur comentariu care sa zica …parinti vaccinati va copiii ….dar avem aceeasi no liferi care nu scapa un articol legat de vaccinare,care vin acum sa „salveze” Romania de la genocid….
    Cu inima indurerata ne avertizeaza sa nu ne ucidem copiii:((((
    Fara astia 4 milioane de „morti” vaccinati erati si acum la cotet cu botnita la gura!
    Eu va doresc mult succes in razboiul vostru si sper sa prostiti un numar cat mai mare de oameni ca numai asa se poate ajunge la obligativitate si atunci sa vedem cine rade:))

    • Lasa-i Sile ca ei au ajuns la marginea Pamantului si au privirea si mintea pierdute in hau.

    • Amice, fa un dus rece. Atat timp cat trebuie semnatura inainte de intepatura, nu va fi nimic obligatoriu.
      Relaxeaza-te, din ce in ce mai mult.
      Si Câțu recomanda asta lunar.