
Luni sosește o nouă tranșă de vaccin Pfizer: Peste 500.000 de doze…

sursa foto: Twitter/ Biontech

Luni sosește o nouă tranșă de vaccin Pfizer: Peste 500.000 de doze vor fi livrate în cele mai mari județe din țară

O nouă tranşă de vaccin de la Pfizer/BioNTech, care constă în 511.290 doze, soseşte luni în România, vaccinurile fiind livrate pe cale aeriană, pe aeroporturile din Otopeni, Cluj-Napoca şi Timişoara, informează Comitetul Naţional de Coordonare a Activităţilor privind Vaccinarea împotriva COVID-19.

Potrivit sursei citate, transportul către centrele de stocare este asigurat de firma producătoare, inclusiv pe cale terestră, vaccinurile fiind transportate în condiţii optime de siguranţă, în containere speciale, cu gheaţă carbonică şi folie etanşă.

Astfel, procesul de vaccinare continuă atât în centrele din Bucureşti, cât şi din ţară, dozele fiind distribuite după cum urmează: Centrul Naţional de Stocare Bucureşti – 187.200 doze; Centrul Regional Braşov – 64.350 doze; Cluj – 62.010 doze; Constanţa – 50.310 doze; Craiova – 36.270 doze; Iaşi – 52.650 doze; Timişoara – 58.500 doze.

Până în prezent, România a recepţionat 3.374.729 doze de vaccin produse de compania Pfizer, iar 2.965.888 au fost deja utilizate pentru imunizarea populaţiei.

sursa: Agerpres.ro, sursa foto: Twitter/ Biontech

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    CCP Virus Variant Affects Vaccinated People More Than Unvaccinated People: Study
    CCP VIRUSJack Phillips Apr 11, 2021Comments1 ShareFacebookTwitterCopy Link
    CCP Virus Variant Affects Vaccinated People More Than Unvaccinated People: Study
    A bottle reading „COVID-19 Vaccine” is seen next to the Pfizer company logo in Paris, France, on Nov. 23, 2020. (Joel Saget/AFP via Getty Images)
    A study from Tel Aviv University found that a South African variant of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus affects people vaccinated with the Pfizer shot more than unvaccinated people.

    The study, which has not yet been peer-reviewed, indicated that the B.1.351 variant of the virus—also known as the novel coronavirus—was found eight times more than individuals who were unvaccinated, or 5.4 percent against 0.7 percent. Clalit Health Services, a top Israeli health-care provider, also helped in the study.

    “We found a disproportionately higher rate of the South African variant among people vaccinated with a second dose, compared to the unvaccinated group,” said Adi Stern of Tel Aviv University. “This means that the South African variant is able, to some extent, to break through the vaccine’s protection.”

    The study looked at 400 people who received at least one shot of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine and had contracted the COVID-19 variant and compared them to the same number of people who were infected and unvaccinated. Moderna’s vaccine is also used in Israel, but it was not included in the study.

    “It is the first in the world to be based on real-world data, showing that the vaccine is less effective against the South Africa variant, compared to both the original virus and the British variant,” said Professor Ran Balicer, director of research at Clalit, according to news reports.

    Stern said the study’s findings came as a surprise.

    “Based on patterns in the general population, we would have expected just one case of the South African variant, but we saw eight,” Stern told the Times of Israel. “Obviously, this result didn’t make me happy.” He added, “Even if the South African variant does break through the vaccine’s protection, it has not spread widely through the population.”

    He continued: “These preliminary findings necessitates close continued attention to the dissemination of this strain in Israel, emphasizing the need for epidemiological monitoring and systematic sequencing, in order to contain further spread of the South African variant in Israel.”

    The South African variant accounted for less than one percent of all COVID-19 cases in Israel, reported AFP, citing the study.

    “This means that the Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine, though highly protective, probably does not provide the same level of protection against the South African (B.1.351) variant of the coronavirus,” the study said.

    Israel, separately, has rolled out a so-called “vaccine passport” system that allows people who have been vaccinated privileges over individuals who are not vaccinated. Such systems have been criticized by civil liberties groups, saying it would be an infringement on people’s rights, including privacy, and would potentially create a two-tiered class system of vaccinated and unvaccinated people.

    The Epoch Times has contacted Pfizer for comment.

    From The Epoch Times

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