
Wess Mitchell, mesaj puternic anticorupție: Nu sunteți singuri în lupta împotriva corupției,…

Wess Mitchell, mesaj puternic anticorupție: Nu sunteți singuri în lupta împotriva corupției, vrem ca România să continue pe acest drum, nu vrem să faceți niciun pas înapoi

Adjunctul secretarului american de stat pentru probleme europene și eurasiatice, Wess Mitchell, a vorbit luni la Facultatea de drept a Universității din București despre relația dintre România și SUA, cu accent pe importanța independenței sistemului judiciar și a luptei anticorupție.

Cele mai importante declarații:

  • Românii sunt în continuare vigilenți și hotărâți să ducă mai departe o țară plină de potențial
  • Aș vrea să ne gândim pentru un moment cât de departe a ajuns România: în pragul anului 1989, România era una dintre cele mai sărace și mai izolate state din Europa
  • Românii erau torturați și executați când manifestau nesupunere față de regim
  • Acum, România este membră a Uniunii Europene și a NATO, iar economia sa este una dintre cele mai dinamice
  • România a construit un sistem judiciar puternic și instituții anticorupție la care victimele comunismului nici nu puteau să viseze
  • Românii au libertatea de expresie și de circulație, sunt stăpâni pe propriul destin
  • România este un simbol al libertății la frontiera estică a Uniunii Europene
  • Nu sunteți singuri în lupta împotriva corupției. Ați făcut pași istorici. Știți din comunism ce periculoasă e corupția. Lupta anticorupție necesită legi și un sistem judiciar bun, e nevoie de lideri puternici.
  • Instituțiile din sistemul judiciar apără legile care sunt un simbol al civilizației occidentale. Nimeni nu e mai presus de lege, aceasta e esența Occidentului. Firmele sunt foarte pregătite să investească
  • Vrem ca România să continue pe acest drum pentru binele cetățenilor și pentru modelul pe care îl reprezintă România în regiune
  • Din perspectiva SUA trebuie să spun cât de important este progresul României în a avea un sistem judiciar puternic și instituții anticorupție puternice.
  • Nu vreau să mă implic în politica și dezbaterile interne, dar toți aliații și SUA susțin instituțiile anticorupție
  • Sunteți un model pentru țările din jur, sunt puține țări care să aibă sistemul judiciar ca în România
  • Asta ar trebui să vă inspire să dezvoltați pe mai departe aceste instituții care sunt foarte importante pentru democrație
  • Nu vrem să faceți un pas înapoi.

Declarațiile integrale ale lui Wess Mitchell (lb. engleză):

Thank you for that very kind introduction Rector Dumitru.  I was just saying a moment ago to the Rector that I spoke at this university here a few years ago and the crowd then was a lot smaller than it is now.  I have absolutely no idea why that is and I am very happy that you all turned out to hear me, and want to express my gratitude to the university for the hospitality of having me here to speak here today.  And I want to thank all of you for turning out.  I also want recognize and thank Ambassador Hans Klemm and the really superlative team that he has at our Embassy here in Romania and the great job that they are doing in an important country at an important time.  I would also like to say how good it is to see some friendly faces in the audience.  Some of you may know that Romania is a country that holds my very special affection and over the time of the years I have built a lot of friendships in Romania and it is good to see several faces in the audience that are friends, that friendships that I have built over the years.


Romania is a very close ally and strategic partner of the United States.  Romanian soldiers have served alongside U.S. soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan, and I know the very high regard that our military holds the Romanian military.  On behalf of the American people, I want to thank the Romanian people for the sacrifices that they have made in supporting so many of these important missions.  In particular, I would like to offer my gratitude to the families of the eight Romanian soldiers who were wounded in Kandahar earlier this spring.


Tomorrow we will hold a meeting of the U.S.-Romania Strategic Dialogue.  We will discuss the ongoing, and very robust, cooperation that exists between the United States and Romania in the fields of security, energy and commerce.  And we will look for ways to expand on that cooperation in the days ahead.


It is an auspicious time for us to be holding this dialogue.  This year is the 100th anniversary of the creation of what we know today as Romania.  It was a hundred years ago in the city of Alba Iulia that three regions came together to form a new nation-state that would become modern Romania.  The United States played a very significant role in that event.  We were among the first countries to establish formal relations with Romania in 1880.  And after World War I, it was the United States, probably more than any other power, which worked to ensure the establishment of an independent Romania.  Liberty was written into Romania’s fabric from the very beginning.


Today we remember the words of Iuliu Maniu, who said: “We want to enthrone in these lands the liberties of all peoples and citizens.”  It took a very long time and significant sacrifices by the people of Romania, through the horrors of Nazism, the long night of Communism, the corruption and secret police of Ceausescu, to achieve the prize of political freedom.  And today, Romanians continue to show vigilance and determination in realizing your country’s full potential.  The United States is with you and will continue to be with you every step of the way.

I would like to consider for a moment just how far Romania has come.  Thirty years ago, on the eve of 1989, Romania was one of the poorest and most isolated and backward countries in Europe.  Its GDP was about $40 billion at the time. The average Romanian earned a little less than $150 a month, was inured to frequent shortages and breadlines.  The average Romanian could also be tortured and summarily executed for even the slightest hint of disloyalty to the Communist regime.  Today Romania is a member of NATO and the EU.  Its GDP is $187 billion, GDP per capita has increased fivefold, and the Romanian economy is one of the most dynamic in Europe with growth of nearly 7% last year.  Romania has built a strong judiciary and anti-corruption institutions that the victims of communism could never in their wildest dreams have imagined.  Romanians today enjoy broad freedoms; you are able to speak your minds and assemble without fear of repression; you can travel unfettered throughout Europe, you stand on strong legs.

Romania’s odyssey makes it a powerful symbol of Western freedom on the Eastern frontier.  I think what makes it all the more remarkable is that this odyssey that Romania has gone through has occurred in a region that has historically been a fulcrum of geopolitics.  Romania does not occupy easy real estate.  It sits at the pivot point between three great regions; it is the historic gate to Central Europe and the Balkans.  It has always been at the crossroads of empires. For centuries, powers large and small have sought dominance over Romania’s straights, and harbors, and roads.  It was near here, in the narrow belt of land between the Iron Gates and Black Sea that Russians and Austrians vied for control of the mouth of the Danube.  And it was near here that the Turkish Straits Crisis occurred giving birth to the Truman Doctrine, which signaled America’s commitment to preventing the Soviet Union from dominating the region. 


When the Cold War ended, the general consensus seemed to be that the Black Sea region, and with it really the rest of Eastern Europe, had diminished in strategic value. Russia was enervated and distracted, NATO and the EU were expanding, and geopolitics seemed to be, at least for Europe, a thing of the past.


Those assumptions were premature.  History was not over.  The Russia of Vladimir Putin never stopped seeing this region as part of its natural sphere of influence.  It never accepted the choice of the Romanian people to freely join the West. Russia’s invasions of Georgia and Ukraine, its seizure of Crimea, systematic and prolonged destabilization of Moldova, intervention in Syria, strengthening of the Black Sea fleet, all these things underscore the seriousness with which Moscow approaches its competition for influence and territory in this region.


But Russia is no longer alone.  There is also China. Chinese influence is expanding rapidly in the Black Sea region.  Beijing uses debt-book diplomacy to create dependencies, which may seem negligible today but will eventually constitute very real leverage over Central European governments and societies.  The 16+1 and Belt/Road initiatives aim to create alternatives to Western influence. Through its money, China offers countries a king of mortgage on their future.

Both Russia and China in their own way want to break the West: Russia wants to fracture it and China wants to supplant it.  And nowhere are they more determined to do so than here, in the Black Sea region.  Their objective is the very political, social and economic fabric that makes up Romania.


A central message of the U.S. National Security Strategy is that the West must recognize the growing threat that these rivals pose and take it seriously.  That begins by taking defense seriously.  In the United States we are doing out part. In recent months, we have reversed years of cuts to our military and begun to recapitalize the American nuclear arsenal.  We have reaffirmed Article 5 of NATO, put forward more than $11 billion in new funds for the European Deterrence Initiative, and provided defensive aid to Ukraine and Georgia.  Today we have more than 4,800 U.S. troops in Eastern Europe—the largest contingent of any state in NATO—that includes approximately 1,200 soldiers here in Romania.  Through NATO’s Tailored Forward Presence, we are strengthening deterrence in the Black Sea region, with key components such as the multinational headquarters and the multinational brigade in Romania. 


Romania is also doing its part.  We applaud Romania for its decision to allocate two percent of its GDP to defense spending and fulfill its Wales Summit pledge.  In its embrace of responsibility for Western security in the Black Sea region, Romania is setting an example for the rest of NATO.  You are showing leadership.  Others have noticed your example and are following suit.  Altogether, in the period since January last year, every member of the NATO Alliance but one has increased defense spending; the number of members committed to spending 2 percent on defense by 2024 has tripled; and the number spending 20 percent on major equipment has nearly doubled.


Taking competition seriously also means being more strategic about promoting energy security and economic prosperity in the Black Sea region.  Together we must support regional projects that enhance European energy security and oppose those that undermine it.  We promote the diversification of fuel types, routes, and sources, and the interconnectors that link them.  For this reason, we support intra-European pipelines like the Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria, and the Bulgaria-Romania-Hungary-Austria pipeline.  We stand with the European Union and a plurality of its member states in opposing Nord Stream 2.  And we oppose the multi-line TurkStream pipeline that would give Russia the means to continue its virtual monopoly on gas imports to South Eastern Europe.

By dent of both geography and resource abundance, Romania is a crucial component of Europe’s energy security.  Today U.S. companies play a role in the exploration and development of new discoveries onshore and in the Black Sea that have the potential to make Romania a natural gas exporter.  This new sources will strengthen Romania’s economy and advance energy security throughout the region.  We look forward to the passage of the Offshore Gas Law and applaud Romania’s expeditious development of the infrastructure and resources for the BRUA pipeline across its territory.


In parallel, the United States supports Romania and its neighbors in their effort at increased regional cooperation.  Romania is showing leadership in driving the Three Seas Initiative, which we view as a catalyst for a degree of north-south economic integration and infrastructure long missing in Europe.  We applaud Romania for hosting the Three Seas Summit this fall and encourage all Three Seas members to identify and finance the concrete projects that will make this initiative a platform for change.  Three Seas is not formulated as a competitor to the EU.  Its point—and what I think should be a goal for all of us—is to find ways of systematically stimulating greater Western financial, infrastructural and commercial involvement in Central and Eastern Europe.  We invite greater EU participation in this and other regional projects and we encourage our allies to work harder to address the lack of linkages that fuel insecurity in this region.

Competing for strategic influence, however, is not only or even mainly about defense budgets and pipelines.  It is also about competing more effectively for hearts and minds, and winning in the war of ideas.

Russia and China together represent a coherent model—stability founded on authoritarianism and brute force, harnessed to certain aspects of market competition and mingled with state-run politicization of the economy.  What they share is a fundamental negation of the individual and the inherent dignity of the human person.  A building up of the central authority over the liberties of the individual.  An eagerness to repress and punish anything that challenges the state.  An embrace of kleptocracy, venality and corruption to enrich those who rule the state.


All of these things are antithetical to the political traditions of the West, which above all were built on the idea that each individual life is worth protecting and that the individual is to be defended from the abuses of state power.  Romania is part of the West by origin, history and culture, from the time when Roman setters and soldiers brought Roman law to these lands.  But you are also Western by choice – in the decision that you made to join NATO and the European Union.


For all of the significance of Romania’s geostrategic location, it is really in the world of ideas that Romania’s greatest contribution lies.  Romania is an indelible symbol of the success of democracy.  In recent years, you have made historic headway in the fight against corruption.  You are not alone in this fight. Every country in the world has to fight corruption. 


You know from the Communist period how insidious a force corruption can be.  And as you know better than anyone, fighting corruption requires effective law enforcement, and an effective, and fair judicial system.  It requires courage and leadership.  Your establishment of anti-corruption institutions are testaments to the fact that Romanians are courageous in the defense of the freedoms they won in 1989.  Honest and courageous people in these institutions and in the judicial sector have to defend the primacy of law over politics that since antiquity has been the foremost gift of Western civilization to the world.  As your constitution says, “no one is above the law.”  That statement is the essence of what it means to be Western.


The progress that Romania has shown in combatting corruption is astounding.  It is evident in the steady improvement in Romania’s rankings of Transparency International and in the growing number of foreign companies who have the confidence to invest in Romania and bring capital and jobs.  We applaud Romania’s progress and we encourage you to continue on this path, not only for the good of your citizens and for the very real role model you have become to your neighbors but because in doing so you are closing off the vulnerabilities that hostile powers would use to subvert and undermine your state from within.  As President Trump said in June, the United States will always support Romania’s fight against corruption.

In all of these areas—defense, energy, democracy—Romania is showing leadership.  Your example is incredibly important to your neighbors, to the region and to Europe.  In all of these areas, the challenge is the same: to defend the gains that the West has made, to defend all that is central to who we are as nations, alliances and a political civilization against determined rivals.  As President Trump said last year in Warsaw, we must have the desire and courage to preserve the West in the face of those who would subvert and destroy it.

We cannot assume that we will automatically succeed in this task because history is “on our side.”  We have to be actively engaged and take the task of strategic competition seriously—or expect to lose ground.  Romania’s recent history is proof that we will win.  The freedom, warmth and determination of the Romanian people are an example, an inspiration to us all and a reminder of what we are fighting for.  As Iuliu Maniu said in 1918: “In these solemn moments, we will be worthy of the moments in which we live.”

May that be true of us today as well.


Thank you.

Departamentul de Stat a anunțat sâmbătă că diplomatul american vine în vizită în România:

”Adjunctul secretarului de stat pe probleme europene și eurasitice, Wess Mitchell, va fi în Europa din 17 până în 22 iunie. Pe 18 iunie el se va afla la București, în România, pentru a se întâlni cu demnitari de rang înalt și cu analiști independenți pentru a discuta despre cooperarea regională în materie economică și de securitate. El va fi șeful delegației americane la cea de-a șasea rundă a Dialogului privind Parteneriatul Strategic SUA – România, despre care va vorbi la Universitatea din București”.

Președintele Klaus Iohannis se întâlnește marți, la ora 10.30, cu Wess Mitchell, adjunctul Secretarului de Stat al SUA pentru Europa, potrivit unui anunț al Administrației Prezidențiale.

Mitchell, care a preluat postul Victoriei Nuland, a declarat în urmă cu câteva zile într-un discurs că ”în Europa Centrală și de Est, SUA sunt interesate de întărirea eforturilor de luptă împotriva corupției și de combatere a dezinformării rusești, precum și de consolidare a societății civile în zonă”.

În același discurs susținut la Heritage Foundation, Wess Mitchell a avertizat că ”Rusia și China reprezintă modele alternative coerente – cu stabilitate politică, bazată pe autoritarism și forță brută, îngrădirea unor aspecte ale pieței libere care amenință baza funcționării civilizației noastre. În căi diferite, Rusia și China vor să distrugă modelul occidental. Rusia vrea să dezbine și să fărâmițeze vestul. China vrea să ia locul modelului occidental”.

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10 comentarii

  1. bla, bla, bla

  2. Fac pariu ca individul nici nu stia ca exista o tara numita Romania, ma mir ca nu s-au aruncat Kovesi,Lazarica,Danilet and company la picioarele lui sa se gudure!

  3. asta face misto?
    „Sunteți un model pentru țările din jur, sunt puține țări care să aibă sistemul judiciar ca în România”
    …si cam la fel si la celelalte subpuncte (personal, m-a bufnit rasul la faza cu „stapani pe propriul destin”)

  4. S-a deeecretizat azi un protocol foarte interesant. Ii sugerez sa îl citească și sa îmi spună și mie în ce tara democrata se întâmplă asa ceva. Toți care au semnat acel protocol, și toți care l-au folosit ar trebui sa între în pușcărie imediat.

  5. @ Pudila – Prostila
    La faza cu guduratul la picioarele stapanilor o sti din propria experienta?

  6. Bun mesaj, clar, concis, raspicat. Mult mai ferm si precis decat puteam spera.

    Stramosii nostri au luptat, sangerat si murit ca Romania sa-si lege destinul de occident. Nu avem voie sa dam inapoi sau sa pierdem lupta cu fortele care incearca sa ne deturneze de la parcursul nostru istoric.

    Dinainte sa spere bunicii si strabunicii nostri ca americanii ne vor scapa din ghearele ursului turbat, inca din primul razboi mondial ne-am aliniat cu francezii, britanicii si cu americanii ulterior. Pana si conservatorii, precum Iorga, insistau ca parcursul Romaniei sa fie alaturi de Franta – tara care ulterior a devenit membru fondator al NATO si UE. Rostul nostru este aici cu astia si nu doar pentru ca asta este mostenirea, dar si pentru ca ne va fi mai bine cu astia, asa cum gandeau in mod vizionari unii precum Bratianu inca de acum un secol. Si generatia actuala a facut sacrificii pentru a obtine parteneriatul strategic care astazi ne garanteaza siguranta. Pentru ca asta era menirea noastra pe care am mostenit-o si pentru ca asta ne asigura pragmatic ce aveam nevoie. Si astazi, obtinand ce ei puteau doar spera, Romania se regaseste in cea mai avantajoasa pozitie geostrategica de la unirea principatelor!

    Nu avem voie sa dam inapoi, sa incetinim eforturile noastre. Parteneriatul nostru a fost realizat cu promisiunea ca aceste reforme vor fi facute cu buna credinta, depinde si de indeplinirea obligatiilor pe care ni le-am asumat. Nu putem lasa ca interesele pe termen scurt ale mafiei romanesti sa ne saboteze interesele nationale pe termen lung.

  7. As your constitution says, “no one is above the law.” That statement is the essence of what it means to be Western.

    Oare a priceput „redactia” ? N-o mai dati cotita, ca n-a iesit deloc, dar deloc, dupa cum ati dorit voi, „mlastina de la Bucuresti”. Astept cu interes sa ne explice Tapalaga, sa ne arate el directia si lumina, precum Scanteia pe vremuri.

  8. Wess Mitchell’s Romania…with Love from Romania

    The key words „competing for strategic influence” is what the American official seems to have been urged to acknowledge and sell to Romanian audience. Based on his speech, Romania should remain anchored in the West based on the fact that it „is part of the West by origin, history and culture…”. In other words, it must remain westernized, that is, Americanized and Europeanized, militarily, economically and politically. And it should not accept any influence from Russia or China since the former „wants to fracture it” and the latter „wants to supplant it”.

    So basically, Mitchell’s speech is to make sure that the Romanians understand that they had better remain in the sphere of influence of the US and EU rather than flirting with the Russians or Chinese! This is the basic message of the American official. A „win-lose” situation for our country but a „win-win” one for the US. Even though what president Trump has said about Russia recently runs counter rhetorically to what Mitchell has just pointed out.

    All soft (history, culture, etc.) and hard (energy, military, security, etc.) facts have been brought into the speech. Emotional appeal, too. History blends with the present, truth with manipulation.

    Apparently, not much has changed since the Cold War when the same two world powers were competing against each other until Reagan and Gorbachev met with each other! The same game has been running lately but with different actors and script through the same hard and soft tactics. The strategy is the same: deter and defend Russia and China by all and any means.

    Even though it is rather impolite, but healthy, to acknowledge the reality based on which American foreign policy seems to be a mixture of soft and hard ingredients, it may seem to be actually true. Thus, the belief in and innocence of exporting the Western/American model of democracy irrespective of the local culture, history and spirit of the target country mingles with American corporate profit and military-security operations; that is, both „the stick and the carrot”. This is the quintessence of American foreign policy. Truth mingles with hypocrisy. There are no friends but only strategic national interests, that is American. Some dictators are good for the US as long as they serve the American interests while others are bad. History can tell.

    Governments that do not reflect American interests do not last long. No wonder that there has been almost continuous unrest in South and Central America as well as in south, south-east Asia. US government, through various covert operations since WWII, have supported various dictators while pulling down regimes that apparently were elected democratically by their own people (but that ran counter the American interests in the area). And Russia/USSR, too.

    Thus, in his address at Heritage Foundation on June 6, Mitchell mentions the share of American soldiers in WWII and how they saved Europe. But he forgets that the IBM supported the logistics of the concentration camps in Nazi Germany while US government brought over to America various Nazi officers, scientists, scholars as part of the Paperclip Operation after the war.

    At the same time, Reinhard Gehlen, the leader of the Wehrmach Foreign Armies East was brought over to the US and helped the CIA know more about all Russian operations scattered throughout Eastern Europe. Shockingly enough, Gehlen was the first director of BND, the equivalent of CIA in Germany! History recycles itself.

    How about Romania? How do, not only our „leaders” and politicians, but also the people feel about the American umbrella?

    Romania is obviously between the US and Russia, mostly based on its given geostrategic location at the interference of major powers whose influence have been felt for the past centuries. Thus, the country is again caught in between the rhetorical games of western powers and Russia, hopefully not military, (even though the eastern neighbours have not become so aggressively vociferous like their American counterparts).

    Basically, Wess Mitchell does forget that „To compete” also entails the reality based on which both Russia and China are free to leverage their influence on Romania should they choose to do it. No wonder that no one in Romanian MSM talks about such influences. The expression „competing for strategic influence” in Eastern Europe renders the idea of economic, politic freedom on the part of tall those entities that would like to bear some leverage on our country, for the best and the worst. So then, it is not only the US or the EU that have a say on shaping Romania but also other external entities.

    Even the American pattern of communication and negotiation allows competition and critical conversations based on real facts and data. It is a confrontational style of doing business. This reflects mostly, nowadays, in the dynamics between the White House and the American establishment, on the one hand, and the world, on the other hand. But not between Romania and US.

    Wess Mitchell mentions Ceausescu’s regime that „tortured and executed” people. But he forgets that Ceausescu’s Romania benefited from US’s most favoured nation clause up until 1988. At the same time he was considered to be a „maverick” in the Soviet sphere of influence, a sort of a pariah or a „loose canon”, a „wild card” the Americans bet on to harass the USSR, at least. Moreover, Romania was the only country that opposed the invasion of Czechoslovakia in August 1968 while the others did join the Soviet invasion. In other words, the country did not really conform with the Soviet model, which actually was to the benefit of the Americans. But is was not western, either.

    In the 1980s the American Library in Bucharest was behind the Intercontinental Hotel and people used to go there and borrow books, various teaching materials, maps, etc. for their learning of English privately or at school. No Militia or Securitate member questioned this. At the same time, some people used to have pen pals all over the world, including Great Britain, Ireland, the US, Belgium, etc. Again, no Militia or Securitate member may have ever called on them.

    But, the USSR did not really trust Romania while the US used the country as a sort of „avant-garde” against its enemy or maybe a pawn. Who uses who? This was happening while the people were suffering from cold and hunger, especially towards the end of the 1980s. Nobody gives a damn on the people. We have seen what has happened with the people from Irak, Afganistan, Syria, etc. to name just a few recently.

    WW II’s end marked the fall of the „Iron Curtain”. W. Churchill, in one of his volumes of Memoirs mentions the fact that in October 1941 he was at the Kremlin together with Stalin. Churchill handed over to Stalin a piece of paper on which he wrote with a red pen that Romania should be 90% within the Soviet sphere of influence while Greece should belong to the West, for instance. It was not Stalin who initiated this but Churchill. So then, could we trust the British?

    Moreover, the Yalta Meeting among Roosevelt and the two above apparently „sealed off” the fate of our country. So then: why did the Americans acknowledge the Sovietization of Romania without doing anything? To please Stalin?

    Where were the Americans at the time, Mr. Mitchell?

    Our guest also mentions that Romania is a model in the region, that energy is also important (BRUA not NordStream 2). Its army has participated in the Afghan and Iraq wars, etc.

    He blames Russia for its „invasions of Georgia and Ukraine, its seizure of Crimea, systematic and prolonged destabilization of Moldova, intervention in Syria, strengthening of the Black Sea fleet”. Russia wants to fracture the West while China wants to supplant it. But, this is only part of the complex realities we have been living in since the fall of communism. It seems to have been a coup d’etat in Ukraine, sponsored by the US. Again, the enormous data on the internet speak for this. Manipulation or truth?

    Based on this speech, it is obvious that Romania has been depending on the US lately, as one of the world hegemons, besides Russia and rising China. Apparently, our country’s plight is that everything emanating from Russia and China is very, very bad while everything American is heaven.

    Unfortunately, Mitchell pushes Romania towards a „win-lose” solution with Russia which may not be good for us. A „win-win” solution is the ultimate best deal we should and could get. But, this means that there should be some openness towards Russia and China from Romania. After all, this reflects our country’s national interests. The US should respect that, if Romania is considered an EQUAL ally and partner of the US. EQUALITY is the key word here.

    Even Donald Trump shows to be open towards Russia – evidence is his saying that Crimea is Russian (https://www.buzzfeed.com/albertonardelli/trump-russia-crimea?utm_term=.yl1a595xZ#.blade9eJZ) or the fact that he acknowledges that Russia should be back in the G7 Club (https://edition.cnn.com/2018/06/09/politics/trump-russia-g8-press-conference/index.html).

    He has met with Kim Jong-Un trying to do something about he nuclear stance of North Korea. He also does not believe in the fake news of Russian interference in the American elections of 2016. Moreover, the Skripal case was another „fake news” and false flag operation to blame Russia, as it was the gas attack in Douma this April based on which the US, Great Britain and France violated the international law by attacking Syria.

    Apparently, Trump is at odds with various of his own people, the intelligence gathering agencies, officials, etc. The chasm between what he really thinks, says and does runs counter to what other American officials say and do. So then, could/may we talk about the American „double standard”?

    PS – – – Russia and China are far from being „Snow Whites” in the complex game of international politics, national interests and spheres of influence! They also do whatever they can and have to do to push for their „share” of the „global pie”. History has been alive and kicking and Francis Fukuyama was wrong!

    But, Romania SHOULD and MUST NOT FORGET to promote its own interests regionally and globally (if it can) even if this means that our beloved American and EU partners and allies may frown at us. It is OK only if we are equal allies and partners. Otherwise, some are „more equal” than others and we bandwagon!

    Romania may be western but it should stay loyal to its interests.

    At the same time, it is disconcerting that neither G4Media nor the rest of the MSM does objectively reflect anything about and on Russia except the usual anti-Russia stance. Even though in the US there are dynamic, solid and objective discussions pro- and anti-Russia. But, not in Romania. Are we equal partners with the US?