
Ciolacu: PSD will never agree with the proposal made to Mr Arafat…

Ciolacu: PSD will never agree with the proposal made to Mr Arafat from the „civil society”! Censorship, and the Ministry of Truth, cannot become the weapons of democracy and the rule of law

PSD President Marcel Ciolacu says his party will never agree with the proposal made by the „civil society ” to create an IT platform to identify pro-Russian propaganda narratives on social networks, in the context of the war in Ukraine, arguing that censorship, and the Ministry of Truth cannot become the weapons of democracy and the rule of law, and the fight against disinformation must not suppress freedom of expression under any circumstances.

„Fake-news is fought through correct and timely communication, not with „experts” or „consultants” who hunt witches”, stresses Marcel Ciolacu.

Oana Popescu, director of the NGO Global Focus, told G4Media.ro on Friday that she has launched an initiative, together with several representatives of other NGOs and think-tanks, to create an IT platform to identify pro-Russian propaganda narratives on social networks in the context of the war in Ukraine. She said she had asked the government and ministries for a list of key topics to consider. Read NGOs and think-tanks to create an IT platform to identify pro-Russian propaganda narratives on social media in the context of the war in Ukraine

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2 comentarii

  1. PSD=Poporul Sclavul Delicvenților.

  2. Haideti sa sprijinim Ucraina! WE ARE ONE!