
OUG pentru taxe și impozite: Ponta anunță că Ministerul Justiției a formulat…

OUG pentru taxe și impozite: Ponta anunță că Ministerul Justiției a formulat 72 de observații

Fostul premier Victor Ponta a anunțat pe Facebook că Ministerul Justiției a formulat 72 de observații la proiectul de OUG care prevede mărirea unor taxe și introducerea unora noi. Din imaginile postate de Ponta se observă că Ministerul Justiției a dat aviz favorabil proiectului, cu observații.

Printre observațiile din avizul prezentat în facsimil se numără necesitatea unui aviz de la Ministerul pentru Relația cu Parlamentul, necesitatea unor dispoziții tranzitorii, precum și faptul că analiza compatibilității proiectului de OUG cu legislația europeană trebuie făcută de Ministerul Afacerilor Externe.

Ponta a postat pe pagina lui de Facebook prima și ultima pagină din avizul Ministerul Justiției. Le puteți citi mai jos.



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6 comentarii

  1. Intotdeauna se poate mai rau, in Romania, tara europeana cu popor inconstient.

  2. @ G 4 & # kondensatorii care sar:

    – in sus ca psd pune taxe multinationalelor
    – in lateral stanga / dreapta (depinde daca sunt neomarxisti / neonazisti) in apararea multinationalelor

    ia cititi (sper ca nu sunteti analfabeti functionali) cateva pasaje din discursul lui timmermans – viitorul TZAR al UE(SS)

    „A Fight for the Soul of Europe:”

    „Speech at PES Congress, Lisbon, 8 December 2018”

    „What do we need to do? We need to close the wage gap. We need to be more forceful in claiming worker participation.”

    „I think we need to come up with a plan together with our Trade Unions to force Member States, but also to force the private sector, to take the Trade Unions seriously as their partner for collective bargaining because that is the only way we’re going to make sure that workers’ rights are protected in a good way.”

    „I think it is also high time, and other have said that before, that companies would start paying taxes where they make profits. ”

    „I echo Jeffrey Sachs, lets not take their BS that they cannot pay taxes because of competition reasons.”

    „It is nonsense. We have been taking that BS for too long – no longer.”

    ” Why can we ask it of small enterprises? Of people who work in their shops, in groceries, bicycle repair shops, or everywhere else, that they pay taxes, but not ask Google, Facebook and all the other big tech companies to do the same?”

    „It is such a big issue of injustice that needs to be addressed. And then the reaction is ‘woah, but you will anger the American administration’. Well, there is enough crazy going around in Washington, I don’t mind. Let’s make sure people pay taxes.”

    „But friends, lets also be clear. This is not just about big tech or big companies.”

    „There are also big European companies that have found all sorts of constructions to dodge taxes as well, to negotiate with individual member states. I am on the same page here as Mette (Frederiksen) – tax competition is a thing of the past.”

    „It could work when countries were strong and companies were weak. But we now have companies that are stronger than individual member states, so they arm twist them into doing deals that are bad for their societies. That is no longer acceptable. We will not stand for it.”

    „And while we are at it, there is a new class of super rich who don’t pay taxes either. They have found all sorts of constructions where their money moves around the world and they don’t pay tax anywhere. These are individual people.”

    „And as long as 10% of the people with a job are working poor, as long as 10% of citizens can’t pay their heating bill, as long as 10% don’t have enough food on the table, as long as almost a quarter of our children are under threat of being in poverty.”

    „As long as that is still the case, it is high time that the super-rich start paying taxes.”


  3. te caci pe tine, trol imputit.

  4. @X fix pix link…ia-ți pastilele,trolache.
    Şi…mai spală-te că pute a pesedism.


  6. Ponta , mai usor cu pianul pe scari .
    Tu ti-ai inodat coada cu basescu , si tot tu ai fost ca un SLUGOI la barosso .